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Past events

Events are the major activity organised of the Magna Masters Association, organised  to maintain the fellowship of MagnaMasters, many organised jointly with CartaConsorts. Here is a selection of past events organised by MagnaMasters.  Previous CartaConsort events are here

Gala Dinner at Apothecaries' Hall, February 2023
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The colourful scene at Leathersellers'  Hall on 17 February 2022 on the occasion of the Seventh Gala Dinner hosted by Past Master Leatherseller Tony Watson.

Visit to Battle of Britain Bunker
declared a hit


17 February Seventh Gala Dinner, Leathersellers' Hall 

29 March - Evening with the Magic Circle

30 May- 2 June - Visit to Loire wine growing area - Nic Birtles and Jeremy Randall (fully subscribed)

29 June - Dinner Lincoln’s Inn - Tony Watson.  This event will be capped at 20 to include Consorts and planned to include a tour of the Great Hall and archives. (Currently fully subscribed)​

5 September - open committee

3 October - Visit to WWII operations bunker at Uxbridge

7 November - AGM, wine teasing and dinner, RAF Club, Piccadilly

MagnaMasters surround the plotting table around which the Battle of Britain was won - that plus a few key pieces luck. The visit to the Museum at Uxbridge, organised by MagnaMaster Chris Ford, was voted among the best organised today, with a big vote of thanks to the Hillingdon Borough staff who brought the Battle alive.

Tour of Lincoln's Inn and its archives

followed by dinner

Weds 29 June 2022

The visit to Lincoln's Inn, after a couple of abortive attempts due to epidemics and transformational work, finally took place on Wednesday 29 June 2022. Tony Watson (Leathersellers) kindly arranged for 25 of us to have a tour of Lincoln's Inn and its archives followed by dinner in the newly opened Members Common Room (MCR) Restaurant. MagnaMasters, mostly accompanied by a Consort,  split behind two guides who conducted us through the magnificent and historic buildings and afterwards our host Tony Watson joined us for dinner.  The extensive library and archives, going back to 1422, is a wonder in itself: a modern working legal reference library for use by any member of Lincoln’s Inn and by the Bar as a whole. It is staffed by experienced and qualified law librarians. As well as providing a full range of legal databases, the Library prides itself on the depth of its traditional printed collections. 

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One of the groups engrossed with their guide exploring the history of Lincoln's Inn in the evening sunshine early in the 2022 heatwave.

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MagnaMasters Chateaux of the Loire
Wine Tour 30 May - 2 June 2022

MagnaMasters made a three-night/four day bespoke tour of the Loire 30 May - 2 June 2022, postponed from a similar date in 2020 due to the C-19 virus. Our group of 27 occupied the magnificent Chateau de Beaulieu near Tours. The tour included three nights accommodation and breakfast, chauffeured vehicle, tours and tastings at three wineries, two dinners with drinks, one lunch and one visit to an historic Chateau at a cost of £765 per person.  Click for Pictures and report 

Our group in The Magic Circle Theatre ready for the performance

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An evening with the Magic Circle


A party of 75, including some 54 MagnaMasters and guests augmented by a group of World Traders and another from the WCoManagemnt Consultants attended an evening at The Magic Circle, just off Euston Road, organised by Patrick Chapman on Tuesday 29 March.  The evening was voted a huge success with plaudits all round for the amazingly high standard of illusion and deception - otherwise know as magic - to which we were treated.  And a real treat it was, too. Our group is pictured left in the Magic Circle Theatre.  Thank you Patrick.

Seventh Gala Dinner - February 2022

The MagnaMasters seventh Gala Dinner was held at Leathersellers' Hall on Thursday 17 February 2022 at the invitation of Tony Watson, MagnaMaster Leatherseller. The modernistic hall offered a change of tone and 'feel' for this event which was treated to an excellent menu with matching wines and immaculate service which ensured a first class evening for all guests to enjoy.

Gala Dinner 2021 success A general view of the 6th Gala Dinner at Fishmongers' Hall was that it was probably the 'best yet' with amazing food, excellent speeches, and some 'great theatre' with the introduction of  a Post Horn Gallop, thanks to MagnaMaster John Shonfeld. Sadly our host, Sir Alan Yarrow, could not attend as he contracted COVID on the day before the event and was forced to isolate in the custom of the times. A picture of the event right captures something of the glitz of the white tie event, usually reserved for Mansion House events.

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Wine Tour and Ditchling Village and Art Museum

A beautiful day in Ditchling - On Wednesday, 8 September 2021 we were invited by Mike Felton, MagnaMaster Carpenter, to visit the historic village of Ditchling in East Sussex. Lying in the South Downs National Park, the village was first recorded in 765 and most recently achieving fame as an artistic community formed by Eric Gill, the artist. The village is some nine miles north of Brighton. We enjoyed a guided tour of the Ditchling Museum of Art and Craft, followed by a Wine Tour at Court Garden Farm on the northern edge of the village.  Mike was the perfect host for the dozen of us who took up the invitation blessed with glorious sunshine in the all-too-brief "Indian summer" at the end of a pretty miserable August. Thank you Mike - for a lot of effort to provide a very special day.

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MagnaMasters "rose" to accept the Chairman's Invitation to the MagnaMasters Rising dinner at the RAF Club, Piccadilly, on Monday 26 July.  Forty MagnaMasters and CartaConsorts gathered to enjoy the RAF Club's excellent hospitality and celebrated "freedom" in style. The toast was: "Thank you Chairman for getting us together after 18 months!"

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Out into the RealWorld!

Visiting London Wall Unseen - then lunch

Monday 21 June 2021

Richard Herbert, MagnaMaster Cutler, holds the distinction of having organised the last MMA event before lockdown in March 2020 and the first post lockdown, albeit with restrictions still in place, on 21 June 2021.

Led by City Guide David Harry (inset), a member of the Stationers' Company, we took a leisurely stroll along the Wall from Tower Hill to Cutlers Hall, about 2 miles in all, on the way discovering parts less easily found.

The 24 of us taking part then enjoyed a splendid lunch, socially distanced of course, at Cutlers' Hall (pictured right).


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A trip on the top of a bus was a popular lockdown entertainment  on 13 January 2021.

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AGM 2021 attended by 60 MagnaMasters and many accompanying Consorts

At the 2020 AGM, held 'virtually' via Zoom thanks to the Covid-19 virus pandemic, inaugural chairman Jeremy Randall handed over the completely virtual 'chain of office' to Patrick O'Reilly, Past Master Engineers. The meeting was chaired by MagnaMasters President Sir Alan Yarrow who praised Jeremy's "style, easy sociability, charm, wit and exceptional oratory" and wished Patrick O'Reilly,  stepping up from his role as Vice-Chairman, all the very best in his time of office.  See report of AGM here.









On 3 February it was a Dickens' London Virtual Walking Tour with Consorts organised by Patrick Chapman. Image:

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Magic Half Hour and reprise Nov. 2021/Mar 21

Open Committee - Wednesday 9 September 2020 at Midday

Usually billed as our Open Committee and Autumn Lunch we anticipate this event will this year be held as an open on Zoom.  As usual all members of the Association will be most welcome to take part to share views on events members would like to see in the year ahead and venues plus succession, structure or general conduct of MagnaMasters Association. 

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Agm 2019 re-elects Jeremy Randall as chairman for fifth term

Many of us will remember the “Magical Half Hour” with Alan Hudson in November 2020.

On 15 March 2021 Rob Jayne entertained us for an hour, including sending the 60 or so participants a pack of cards and a dice as part of the fun.

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Evening Walk in Venice - Tues 13 April 2021
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Thirty-three of us attended the Members' Dinner preceded by the AGM and Wine tasting and on Monday 4 November at the magnificent Royal Air Force Club, Piccadilly, by kind invitation of AVM Patrick O'Reilly (Engineers).

At the AGM Chairman Jeremy Randall indicated this would be his fifth year as chairman, a spell in the chair he had initially offered to complete.

He was re-elected by general acclaim, Patrick O'Reilly was re-elected vice-chairman and other officers were re-elected en bloc. A programme dfor the coming year was agreed in outline to include a wine tasting trip to France, dinner at Lincoln's Inn, and visits to the amazing Thames Tideway Scheme, Westminster Abbey and the Magic Circle.

The meeting was followed by a fun wine-tasting organised by chairman Jeremy Randall and then dinner in the lavish Presidents Room.


Luisella Romeo is professional Venice guide who has mastered the art of “virtual” tours. Her presentation is given live as she walks us through the old city rather than the usual tourist haunts. The 80 or so of us on 44 screens had to make do with a quick “sun downer” drink in a bar closing for the 6pm Venice Covid curfew . Nevertheless Luisella created for us the perfect antidote to the later days of our UK 13 months of lockdown. "A most memorable tour," said one of our number. "Wasn't she good," said another.

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“Golf – History of an Obsession” is an amusing and informative talk on many aspects of golf – but particularly on its origins, evolution and development.  There were 30 participants. 

So where did it (golf, the is) begin, (not in Scotland), why is the hole 4.5 inches in diameter, why are there 18 holes on a course, who formed the first clubs, who formulated the rules, what are the origins of golfing terms like Fore, Caddy, Birdie? How far did the ball travel for the world’s longest ever putt?

These are just a few of the many questions which are answered. Golfing records and amusing golf trivia are featured, the spread of the game worldwide, golfing jokes, quotes and cartoons are all part of this entertaining talk. The evening is being organised and hosted by Nic Birtles, Information Technologists.

Visit to Tideway Tunnel

and lunch at Humble Grape

Thursday 12 March

Richard Herbert arranged for 20 of us to join him for a morning's visit marvelling at the Tideway Tunnel project from the centre at Blackfriars Bridge followed by lunch at The Humble Grape just behind St Bride's Church in Fleet Street - self-described as a quirky and comfy Fleet Street wine bar and restaurant hidden in the original crypts below St Bride’s Church.  The sheer scale of this project and the way it is being managed were an inspiration to us all and the lunch at the Humble Grape - one of the last events for them before the March lockdown began - good fun.

Visit to Royal Museums, Greenwich - 10 June 2019












Fifteen MagnaMasters and Consorts gathered in the entrance hall of the National Maritime Museum on a very wet June 2019 morning for a VIP tour of this amazing place. The NMM is one of four sites making Royal Museums Greenwich a top-10 UK visitor attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with Royal Observatory Greenwich, the iconic historic sailing ship Cutty Sark, and the Queen’s House art gallery.

Our invitation was via MagnaMaster Tony Watson (Leathersellers) who is a Patron of Royal Museums, Greenwich. During a one hour tour we tasted the multi-million pound investment which has gone into making this a truly world-class experience as well as the treasures of the iconic Queen's House art gallery​.​

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Visit to the amazing CERN project in Geneva - 4 June 2019
















Thanks to MagnaMaster Patrick Draycott (Founders) 24 of us were able to visit the amazing CERN project in Geneva. on Tuesday 4 June for a free VIP visit to the amazing CERN complex, the largest particle physics laboratory in the world seeking to unravel the smallest secrets of our universe.... followed by dinner.  As one of the group described:  "it was amazing.  We were treated like royalty, able to wander more or less at will and taken down to a space the size of the Royal Albert Hall hundreds of metres underground." Did they discover the secrets of the universe?  Perhaps not - but they had a jolly good look at what is being done to unravel them further.

Patrick has promised to make inquiries about a further visit in the future for those unable to join him this time. Pictured:  Robin Furber (Pewterers -left) and Tony Watson (Leathersellers)

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Magnificent Drapers' Hall hosts Fourth Gala Dinner - 31 Jan 2019

Fifth Gala Dinner proclaimed complete success at Saddlers' Hall - 29 Jan 2020










Through the good offices of Past Master Saddler Mark Farmar we were invited to hold our Fifth Gala Dinner at beautiful Saddlers' Hall: and what a success it was. Saddlers' Hall pulled out all the stops to make us most welcome and caterer's Party Ingredients likewise. The food, service and hospitality could not have been better.  Mark opened the proceedings with a generous welcome; President Sir Alan Yarrow proposed proposed the toast to the MagnaMasters with warm praise for "the best Past Masters Association" and chairman Jeremy Randall excelled with what could be his valedictory performance as chairman, completing his promised fifth year at the head of our association.

Toastmaster Jamie Wallis ensured everything went like clockwork and concert pianist Michelle Marie Santiago (pictured) provided delightful accompaniment during the evening attended by 124 MagnaMasters and guests.

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MagnaMasters weekend away: York September 2019































John Shonfeld (Launderers) took on the challenge of organising a MagnaMasters trip to York in September 2019, ably assisted by Alan Suggett (Merchant Adventurers of York),  Thirty of us sat down to dinner at the Grand Hotel on the Friday evening (top picture) followed on Saturday morning by an outstanding guided tour of the ancient Minster.  Our guide (right in second picture) is a former GP in York with great wit, knowledge and story telling ability.  In the evening almost 50 of us sat down to dinner at the 14th Century Merchant Adventurers' Hall.

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Programme 2021

13 January 6pm - Bus Tour with Consorts - by Zoom
3 February 6pm - Dickens Virtual Walking Tour with Consorts - Patrick Chapman by Zoom

15 March - MagnaMasters Magical Half Hour Reprise with Rob Jayne by Zoom
13 April - Evening walk and drinks in Venice - live walk by Zoom

27 April - Art Inspired by Wine: Speaker John Ericson

11 May - Golf - History of an Obsession. Stephan White

9 June - Golf - History of an Obsession (Pt 2). Stephan White

21 June - London Wall Unseen - lunch at Cutlers' Hall - Richard Herbert
14 July - MagnaMasters Rising Dinner at RAF Club with Consorts
8 September - Ditchling Village: Vineyard & Art and Craft Museum - Mike Felton
15 September - Open Committee Meeting and Autumn Lunch 
21 October - President’s Dinner at Fishmongers’ Hall
8 November - AGM and Wine Tasting - RAF Club
24 November - Tour of Westminster Abbey - Raymond Layard


30 May- 2 June - Visit to Loire wine growing area - Nic Birtles and Jeremy Randall (fully subscribed)

30 June - Dinner Lincoln’s Inn - Tony Watson.  This event will be capped at 25 to include Consorts and planned to include a tour of the Great Hall and archives. (Currently fully subscribed)​

Date tba London City Wall Walk - Richard Herbert
Date tba Visit to Shuttleworth Collection - Jeremy Randall
Date TBA An evening with the Magic Circle with Consorts - postponed to 2022

Golfing events
May - Past Masters Association Spring Golf Cup at Sonning Golf Club 
Sept - Past Masters Association Pairs Golf Tournament​


Contact Roger North
GOLF NEWS - click here

Art Inspired by Wine -talk by John Ericson

With 146 paid to attend the Fourth Gala Dinner, Drapers' Hall pulled out all the stops to make this a great occasion. Our guest speaker and distinguished guests for the evening were Ald. and Sheriff (and MagnaMaster) Vincent Keaveny and Amanda Keaveny flanked by by Hon. President Sir Ald. Alan Yarrow and Lady Yarrow and Chairman Jeremy Randall and Irene Randall. Our host for the evening, Past Master Draper Nick Bence-Trower, there with wife Nicky, opened proceedings with a warm welcome to one of the three organisations of which HM The Queen is a member - along with, he reminded us he reminded us, the Balmoral WI. In his address Vincent urged his fellow MagnaMasters to support the Sheriffs appeal and make up a table or two for the Sheriff's Charity Ball September. Also in attendance was Hon. Vice-President Fiona Adler with husband David Moss. Hopefully all made it home safely - including the unfortunate couple whose taxi driver texted to say he wold not be coming to collect them because of the snow and the gallant Watsons who came down from Edinburgh for the occasion. Great to see you and all who attended and condolences to those who for various reasons could not make it on the night. One statistic: we have 100  paid up members of whom 75 registered to attend.  That's pretty good considering the busy lives most lead - and thank you for your continued support


Exclusive tour of Smithfield Market ....followed by breakfast​  30 May 2019















The Chief Inspector of Smithfield Market has invited MagnaMasters and Consorts to join him for a visit to Smithfield Market on the morning of Thursday 30 May with an insider look at how the market operates...followed by breakfast. For this special treat we needed to be on parade at 6am - and we were for this fascinating incite into one of the hubs which has kept London provided for over centuries. Breakfast in one of the neighbouring eateries was good fun, too.

The visit was organised by MagnaMasters chairman Jeremy Randall.

Gala Dinner at Fish Hall resounding success - 1 Feb 2018

Fishmongers' Hall pulled out the stops to give us a evening to remember for our third Gala Dinner on Tuesday 1 February. Some 145 MagnaMasters and Consorts gathered for the event at which our President, Alderman Sir Alan Yarrow gave his first address to our year group as Hon. President. The evening was presided over by Chairman Jeremy Randall and we were welcomed to Fish Hall, as it is fondly known, by James fforde, Past Prime Warden Fishmonger.

Lord Mayor’s Gala Concert - Tuesday 14 March 2017

A party of 37 of us supported the remarkable Lord Mayor's Concert to witness Ald. Andrew Parmley as organist accompanied by the London Symphony Orchestra before a packed St. Paul's Cathedral. Truly remarkable performance.  Congratulations Lord Mayor. Top two pictures @ John Phillips/Getty Images for The London Symphony Orchestra

Dinner at Lambeth Palace

- 5 June 2018

At the invitation of previous year group One4All, 45 of us joined them for their banquet at lambeth Palace on 5 June 2018 - and what a delightful place it is to dine. With the multi-acre garden to walk around and sip champagne before dining in the splendid Great Hall all helped to make a magical summer evening.  Sadly the Archbishop was "otherwise detained" - perhaps another time...

AGM, Wine Tasting and Dinner

Monday 5 November 2018

The MagnaMaasters AGM, accompanied by a fun wine tasting conducted by Chairman Jeremy Randall and supper in the magnificent Presidents' Room of the Royal Air Force Club, took place on Monday 5 November 2018 courtesy AVM Patrick O'Reilly

Thirty members attended.  A report of the AGM is here

Gin Making

Experience -

City of London


9 October 2018

By popular request Allan Cheesman (MagnaMaster Distiller) arranged a return visit to the City of London Distillery in St Bride Lane, London EC4 for another gin making experience on Tuesday 9 October 2018. Twenty of us took part - and went home with a bottle of the gin we had made. Miles Better Gin but Martin Miles (Hon. Treasurer) probably won the award for the most imaginative branding.

Lunch with Graeme Groom at Innholders’ Hall- 5 October 2018




Lunch with Graeme Groom MagnaMaster Innholder, was, to put it bluntly, a triumph. With some 50 MagnaMasters and Consorts enjoying one of the finest Livery lunches in town, Graeme, a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at King’s College Hospital, told us about his double life. Trained in trauma and orthopaedics in the army and in Nottingham, he was appointed Consultant at Queen Elizabeth Military Hospital, Woolwich, in 1990. There he started a Limb Reconstruction service, introducing the Ilizarov method, and developing a multi-disciplinary approach. He moved to King’s College Hospital in 1993 where there is now a substantial team undertaking limb reconstruction work. It has been caring for wounded soldiers since 2007 in close collaboration with military authorities. Much of the time he is working in the UK.  Then, as a volunteer, he is part of a ream providing life-saving and reconstructive surgery to those suffering life-changing injuries in the Gaza confict zone. It was surely impossible not to be deeply moved by the stories he told of daily life in Gaza and the damage inflicted in the conflict on often very young bodies

The format worked extremely well for a Friday lunch followed by a talk and could well be repeated in the future.

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Visit to Stowmarket 15-16 May 2018

Gala Evening with Opera and Champagne - 15 July 2017 

Sophia Neill (Girdlers) reports on a magical evening 

 "It all went really well and we were all very impressed by the talents of the young performers.  We were lucky to have a wonderfully warm and sunny evening. 

 "Twelve Magnamasters and Consorts made it 

and We managed to raise £2,000 for the RWCMD which will go towards helping a young student to complete her studies.  We very much hope to continue this association in the future and they are already planning to bring their performance of:  Gianni Schicchi - Puccini to the barns next year.

All support from the Magna Masters is very much appreciated

Robin and Sophia

Shrove Tuesday Banquet at Mansion House - 28 February 2017






















With 267 of us at the Mansion House Shrove

Tuesday Banquet on 28 February 2017 -  161 places taken by MagnaMasters topped up by our friends from the 2014 year group One4All - this was indeed a grand evening presided over by our vice-president, Alderman Dr. Andrew Parmley as Lord Mayor. 

The Lord Mayor, Ald. Dr. Andrew Parmley, and Lady Mayoress Wendy were accompanied by two immediate predecessors, Ald Sir Alan Yarrow and Ald. Dame Fiona Woolf and sheriffs Sir Paul Judge, Adrian Waddingham, Fiona Adler and their consorts along with the chairmen of All4One, Michael Harrison, and MagnaMasters , Jeremy Randall, with their consorts.

Some 267 of us signed up for the dinner, 161 MagnaMasters, 104 All4 One plus the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress.

Highlights of the evening included a remarkable double act between the Lord Mayor and his former companion Sheriff Fiona Adler and fine speeches by the two joint chairmen.

Photos of the evening by Peter Holland are available to view for purchase:

MagnaMaster Tony Alston and Consort Mary Foster invited MagnaMasters and Consorts to join them for dinner on Tuesday 15 May and then to tour their farm in Stowmarket on Wednesday 16 May. Our party of 14 enjoyed coffee at The Cedars,  followed by look at the house and garden, and log fired boiler (subsidy machine!) Followed by tour of farm yard and converted old buildings into light industrial units. 

A tour of farm and old cowshed, housing 1800 pigs, was followed by a trip on the Mid Suffolk Light Railway and a tour of Brockford Railway Sidings, converted to holiday accommodation of two stations and six carriages.

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Opera in the Country - Sunday 24 July 2016

Some 60 MagnaMasters and CartaConsorts made the journey to near Longtown in Herefordshire for a most remarkable performance of Verdi’s “Rigoletto”, performed by Opera Project in a converted barn at the home of Robin and Sophia Neill.  

In true British style we braved the rain - which started as we arrived - to enjoy drinks under umbrellas before being called to out seats.  Opera Project stars and the accompanying orchestra confounded any doubts and gave their all.  If we are invited next year there will ve an enthusiastiv take up of seatsaccording to many of those who attended.

Visit to Royal Botanical Gardens -

24 April 2017

Thank you to Mark Henderson (Curriers) who arranged a fascinating visit for 21 of us to the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew on Monday 24 April.  (Mainly dry with a sharp shower...)

First visit: Stepney City Farm 20 October 2015



1 Feb - Third Annual Gala Dinner - Fishmongers' Hall

Dinner at Fishmongers’ Hall kindly hosted by James fforde.  80 signed up so far…need more.  Tony Alston suggested opening to guests and this was agreed subject to a final call to members who should take priority.

21 February - reprise Westminster College dinner - Nick Andrews

21 March Tower of London visit - Ian Frood

15/16 May  farm visit Tony Alston new Stowmarket (overnight stay suggested)

5 June - Banquet Lambeth Palace  - invitation to join One4All event

10 July - Cricket at Windsor Castle - invitation from MagnaMaster Plumber Steve Hodkinson

12 September Open Committee lunch

21 September - Sheriffs in Wonderland Ball, Guildhall

5 October - Lunch with Graeme Groom at Innholders’ Hall

9 October - Gin Making Experience at London Gin Distillery

05 November AGM wine tasting and dinner at RAF Club, Piccadilly

Gin Making Masterclass - Tuesday 20 June 2017

Allan Cheesman - PM Distiller and MagnaMaster - organised a fascinating afternoon in historic Bridewell where gin distilling was brought back to the City of London after an absence of some 200 years which was attended by 20 of us. 

The event will started with a GnT while being welcomed by the head distiller into the world of gin explaining the art and science of the craft. We then divide into teams to make our own gin, have another GnT and then distill for two hours or so. Then the Tasting Competition to decide who has the "best" gin followed by a  prize giving…..and another GnT to finish! The victors depart with a bottle of City of London gin  - and all receive a miniature of their own blend.

Allan reports: “The boutique distillery based in a basement bar in St Bride Lane EC4 is about the size of a good Kensington basement! At last count there are 147 gins on offer”. The distillery is owned by Jonathan Clark, a liveryman of the Distillers’ Company.







More than 30 MagnaMasters joined chairman Jeremy Randall in support of our President, Sir Alan Yarrow, when he gave his reflections as Lord Mayor at an evening reception and dinner at Pewterers' Hall on Wednesday 18 May.

Sir Alan, who emphasised he was speaking off the record, shared his experiences of a year which celebrated the anniversaries of Magna Carta, the Mayoral Charter, Waterloo and  Agincourt  and was notable for the state visits of the President of Mexico, President of China and a trade visit from the Prime Minister of India. During his year of office, as London’s 687th Lord Mayor, he visited 28 countries on five continents, promoting the City and the UK.

He talked about why we in the UK fail to market ourselves with confidence as the greatest international financial centre in the world.

AGM, Wine Tasting and Dinner - 7 Nov 2016

Twenty-nine of us attended the AGM, followed by a wine tasting and then dinner at the RAF Club, Piccadilly, on Monday 7 November. A big thank you to Patrick O'Reilly who hosted the evening as a member of the club and to Mark Hardy who kindly donated 20 places for the wine tasting. A jolly and good humoured evening at which our chairman showed that he really does know about wine! Minutes of the meeting , at which our Constitution was adopted.​

Memories of Ironbridge - where it all began in June 2015

Drinks with the Yeoman Warders - 21 March 2018


MagnaMaster Ian Frood and Consort Mo invited MagnaMasters and Consorts to join them for drinks with the Yeoman Warders of the Tower followed by an exclusive tour of the building before joining the Ceremony of the Keys on Wednesday 21 March.  Some 30 of us attended and enjoyed a most memorable evening.  Thank you Ian and Mo.

Private reception then Dinner at Westminster College 21 Feb 2018


Following the success of the previous dinner at Westminster College PM Patternmaker Nick Andrews organised a reprise for Wednesday 21 February 2018 when 30 of enjoyed the hospitality of Tony Alston (Farmers) and Mary Foster.

The college - arguably the top catering college in the county, pulled out all the stops to ensure we had a superb meal, as evidenced by the menu below. Many thanks to Nick and Tony and a definite for our future programming.

Lord Mayor's Ascot Race Day -

3 May 2017

A party of 28 joined Martin and Sarah Miles (Actuaries)  in support of the Lord Mayor's Race Day at Ascot.


FOR MUSIC AND DINNER - 27 April 2017

Sq. Ldr. Christopher Ford (Air Pilots) reports:








On Thursday 27th Apil a group of 42 members of The MagnaMasters, Carter Consorts and friends gathered at Charterhouse for an Historical Musical Tour and Dinner. This event, organised by Patrick O’Reilly, started with a champagne reception in the Old Library where met Richard Stevens who introduced the proceedings and explained the history of the ancient building before we embarked upon the tour. During the tour of the Norfolk Cloister, the Chapel Cloister, the Chapel, the Great Hall and finally the Great Chamber the Thomas Sutton Singers entertained the assembled company with beautifully sung music appropriate to each location. In the Chapel we were further delighted to have musical accompaniment by organist Graham Matthews.

As we wandered through the historic building we were also able to call upon the very full knowledge of another resident of Charterhouse, Brother Walter Blamford. On finally arriving in the Great Hall with its splendid 16th Century chimneypiece, the full beauty of the interior was revealed. Furthermore, the extent and quality of restoration to the ceiling and parts of the walls, post Blitz, was plain to see. 

In the Great Chamber we sat down to a very well presented and thought out dinner of Fillet of Monkfish, Sautéed Guinea Fowl and Passion Fruit Soufflé, all accompanied by an ample amount of good wine and rounded of by some fine Ruby Port. Our thanks must go to Patrick and Christine for organising this event as well as to the Brothers of Charterhouse and the Events Manager, Lara Ramsden, for their time, hospitality and enthusiastic welcome. It was truly an evening to remember. 

Evening at Westminster College


At the invitation of Nick Andrews (Patternmakers) and his wife Hilary, 32 of our number visited Westminster Kingsway College for an informal supper evening which was much enjoyed by all.  The evening began with kind hospitality offered by Tony Mary Alston at their London home 

Baker's Dozen MMs and CCs at  great Fire event -27 June 2017

A dozen MagnaMasters and CartaConsorts enjoyed a very good evening at organised by the Bakers' Company to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the fire they started in Pudding Lane in 1665.  A fun play commissioned specially for the occasion, and starring Samuel Pepys, was acted out amongst the dining tables between courses.  Our Treasurer, who organised our party of 12, added a friend from the Bakers to the MM/CC group so, appropriately, we actually had a "Baker's dozen" at the dinner, spread over two tables.

A day at the Leander Club for Henley Royal Regatta

Twenty MagnaMasters and their Consorts visited Henley Royal Regatta hosted by the Leander Club President, Jeremy 'Rass' Randall  - also chairman of the MagnaMasters - and his Consort Irene on Wednesday 29 June 2016. This was the opening day and, as promised, full of buzz and excitement.

MagnaMasters Inaugural Dinner at Stationers' Hall 2 February 2016
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